Building upon the digital twin architecture and capabilities within EyA, we discuss the power of template bonding to a digital twin and use a combination of Electronic Medical Record
Building upon the digital twin architecture and capabilities within EyA, we now discuss the power of template bonding to a digital twin and use a combination of Electronic Medical Record, Covid Track and Trace and Covid Vaccination Passports to demonstrate a highly efficient, privacy preservation and cross border solution to the current pandemic, but also any future requirements of medical services.
This chapter discusses the overall framework and components required to adopt in order to provide the full solution within the preface of this paper.
In order to adopt the solution, a person must have a registered account and digital twin within EyA. Countries can support localised policies and continue control over sensitive data, whilst being capable of permission based transfer / sharing of certain data with other countries, whilst preserving the data deemed to be sensitive to that particular region.
Currently, there are many non-standard medical record types, be it in paper form, or even electronic format. Data interchange is slow and cumbersome at the best of times and international sharing of EMRs is almost nonexistent. There is a possibility to use a common gateway solution in order to map fields used within various databases, but small changes and complex relational database models can lead to broken links and silo based data lakes.
An EMR within EyA is considered a multi layer template solution, which is dynamic and can be updated continuously within the medical sector and scientific organisations. The medical record is dynamically bound to a persons digital twin within EyA when signing up with a health organisation and / or government scheme. The person is able to see the data mapped to their record and the whole lifecycle of their health. A medical professional, or other person / device / solution with permission, will be able to interrogate / modify data within the chain, but not be capable of seeing any other personal information or data related to other templates bound to the persons digital twin.
Globally, countries can adopt one standard set of medical record templates, or even use localised versions, or completely different templates, as long as the root templates further down the tree are utilised to adopt a standard naming convention. English does not need to be used as EyA will be using the AWS translate service, exposing it to applications developed on the EyA platform as a premium service. Localised applications which are bound to a particular country’s templates will still be able to provide support for other countries templates through a common EMR gateway. Support of other countries templates will mean that those supporting are notified of version changes to templates in order to update the gateway services.
Countries can agree which data can be interchanged and a common protocol for permissions and also updates when a person is taken ill or a foreign procedure takes place in another territory. Again, other data cannot be interrogated and the two countries enter into a transaction between medical nodes upon every data operation.
Just as with the case study for infected meat within the cattle sector, Covid track and trace would have been highly viable and far more sophisticated within the EyA platform. Using the horizontal, vertical and associative assets framework, intelligent algorithms would be capable of not only tracking infectious people, but also the potential for other infected people based on where they are within the tree of associations. This would have lead to rapid identification and also accurate predictions of further waves of infection globally.
As with the EMR templates, a further template for Covid and any other virus type could be bound to a current EMR, or even as a base template to a digital twin. Globally any permissioned app and person would be able to retrieve infection information whilst preserving the full privacy of the person. Governments would be able to agree permissions on the template/s and preserve sensitive data including the movements of that person within their own country. Algorithms would be able to alert both the person and the information solution in both their own country, but also within the country they are currently visiting.
Vaccinations naturally fall within the remit of an EMR. As such, a Covid vaccination would be recorded within the EMR bound to the person’s digital twin. Rather than a paper or even app based solution, where it is very possible to defraud a solution, any officer with permission would be able to interrogate just Covid data contained within the EMR data bound to the person. With this in mind, countries would again be able to agree permissions for particular officers and organisations, even down to events, where just the verification of a vaccination can be confirmed at ground zero.
The diagram below depicts the typical scenario of a person travelling between countries and the node infrastructure, including relevant templates bound to the person's digital twin but contained within appropriate nodes, away from the EyA public and other nodes.
The diagram below depicts a typical scenario whereby a person is taken ill within a foreign country. With agreed permissions between each country, the Doctor is able to verify the identification of the person, obtain medical records and treat the person with full knowledge of previous conditions, allergies etc. However, sensitive information from the persons home country will not be transferred during the transactions, including actual finger prints, facial images etc. The person will be able to be verified through the local government node, without providing any other information.
The patients medical record can be updated by the foreign country, again as a transaction with agreed permissions and data flow between the two countries.
From just this simple use case, it is possible to depict exactly how a Covid passport and track and trace would be verified when a person is travelling both locally and between borders. Again, personal information will not be required in order to identify the person. Each country has full control of personal and tracking data, whilst being able to confirm the vaccinations and alerting passively when a person may have reached a threshold point in the track and trace programme achieved by using the associative assets solution of EyA.