Digital twins are becoming more and more commonly used as businesses begin to migrate to utilizing AI and The Internet of Things (IOT) platforms to better streamline research and development, project management, production, asset tracking, and efficiencies in data processing.
Digital twins are exact 3D reproductions of existing parts, materials, and entire systems. They may be a hybrid of existing Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) combined into one overall product. They may also be a cluster of OEMs as an operational component of an entire product. Working with Independent Service Vendors (ISVs), companies may test the parts of or an entirety of a system, such as a manufacturing component that becomes the core of a newer make or model of a vehicle or even, part of an entire energy producing system for a utility. Testing a portion or an entire system’s capabilities allows for informed decision making prior to production. Which also becomes a part of sustainability in predictive life cycles to recycling protocols.
Digital twins are important in the sense that building 3D replicas are less expensive than testing a tangible product in an overall system. Using OEMs, each part may be carefully cataloged, and data parsed into more efficient markers with the help of AI and IoT. As with all emerging technologies, one is better served with the aid and function of another. AI can gather information and integrate that within other OEMs being tested into a system. This gathered information helps not only manufacturers of OEMs but also, other industry partners who may benefit from not recreating the same configuration should such combinations be deemed as unsuccessful. This collective intelligence with OEMs without sharing industry or entity specific information allows for faster manufacturing and production as well as better overall products at a lower cost. Additionally, multiple versions of a digital twin may exist simultaneously to test many variants of OEMs in different configurations at the same time. Imagine that level of efficiency in terms of testing before producing, along with the ability to make real time decisions within that process.
Digital twins remove the cost of building and producing an overall product by using a virtual space that is enhanced through hard data and efficient data. ISVs may work symbiotically with others while creating a decentralised data gathering platform. As data becomes one of the most sought-after commodities, so does the time saved from the AI and IoT portion of creating an even more effective use of that data. Historical data is leveraged, and legacy systems becomes a thing of the past as ISVs work to keep their systems constantly upgraded and compatible. Think of this in the sense of your phone giving you notifications for a new system update. There is little to no effort on the consumer side other than to accept the update when it is scheduled.
What does that mean for you? It means more time to be able to focus on other aspects of research and development, production, and consumer satisfaction. As part of our partner network, industries in all areas may provide as well as gather existing data through the EyA global DLT ecosystem. This creates a mutually beneficial state of data in the sense of governance and security. A consensus driven network integrates rules from industry driven s specifics to even ethics, creating a space that constantly adapts with the evolving constellation of innovation.
Protecting consumer and client data along with embracing data ownership is an integral priority within the adoption of digital twins. Our clients and partners are the leaders within this space, establishing the environment in which others will follow as these technologies become more mainstream. From supply chain to energy, our products are fully adaptable to any market and industry. We value the end users of our services and how our products impact our customers’ client base. We believe in sustainability and providing services through emerging technologies that will keep our customers ahead of their competition. While such integration may not be quite as simple as accepting a system update on one’s phone, the overall series of benefits in the shift of resources made available by migrating into this product line are such that cannot be measured.